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Vice Editorial Illustrations





The Brief

Create a consistent design language for illustrations that head the new Vice Editorial section articles. Create 3 sample article editorial illustrations, one animated, which will define the future news graphics.

I pitched three directions for the article A Dangerous, Odd, and Unconstitutional Texas Law about the Texas heartbeat bill, or S.B. 8. This bill limits abortions in Texas after 6 weeks and additionally encourages people to report each other for thinking about, intending to, or helping a woman get an abortion in any capacity.


The feelings I tried to convey were confusion, being trapped, and paranoia. The second design direction called The Main Point was selected to move forward with. My design elements going forward were a bold graphic, an illustrative element, type, and a limited color palette of black, white, and one or two hero colors.

The Pitch

I pitched three directions for the article A Dangerous, Odd, and Unconstitutional Texas Law about the Texas heartbeat bill, or S.B. 8. This bill limits abortions in Texas after 6 weeks and additionally encourages people to report each other for thinking about, intending to, or helping a woman get an abortion in any capacity.



The feelings I tried to convey were confusion, being trapped, and paranoia. The second design direction called The Main Point was selected to move forward with. My design elements going forward were a bold graphic, an illustrative element, type, and a limited color palette of black, white, and one or two hero colors.

Illustration Process
How Sarasota Became the Conspiracy Capitol of the United States
A Dangerous, Odd, and Unconstitutional Texas Law

Looping Animation

Finally, I cel animated the design lock-up and made adjustments to the texture and colors in After Effects. This project was very meaningful to me and throughout the process I was reminded of the phrase "the personal is political". Although the animation shows only one trapped woman it conveys a sentiment many of us can relate to.

Abortion rights and reproductive healthcare are human rights. This project was completed in 2021. In June 2022, Roe v. Wade was overturned by the United States Supreme Court, and states continue to further limit access to abortions. If you'd like to make a donation to support local abortion funds, please do so here.



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